E-mail access
CBM Granada
Puerta Real de España, nº 1 - 1º B-Dcha 18009, GRANADA ESPAÑA
+34 958 216 898
+34 958 221 690
CBM Madrid
Fernando Rey, 8. Ciudad de la Imagen, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón. MADRID ESPAÑA
+34 91 512 23 37
+34 91 512 23 47
Integral Services
Technical media
ENG equipment in digital XDCAM format specially developed to record in the outside which offer a series of revolutionary features to optimize the workflows.
Nonlinear edition
Professional tools for video editing and sound, versatility and enough power to affront any kind of audiovisual project.
Safe vehicles, big potency, low consume and the guarantee of a brand of quality.
CBM close mutual agreements with Antena 3 and Telemadrid for the production of news programs.
Central Broadcaster Media has closed two new collaboration agreements with Telemadrid and antena 3 for the coverage of the news informatives in both channels. In Telemadrid case, CMB will give the service of ENG equipment to both news programs of the autonomic channel and Madrid Directo program. It will suppose almost 3000 coverages at year, between both formats. Through the agreement reached with Antena 3, CBM has expanded its collaborations offering service for the news programs of the private broadcasting station with more than 40 ENGs. Nowadays CBM covers the totality of all the national information that the private station broadcasts in its own informative programs. CBM has 16 operative centers. Since January 2008 it covers all the national territory with delegations and correspondent that bring service to Antena 3. The growth of CBM is unstoppable. In just a year and a half, the company founded and managed by Raúl Berdonés is a leader in the ENG services with more than 35,000 covers per year. Currently more than 250 professionals work in this company, which is the biggest XDCAM provider and has 100 ENG equips. CBM offers an integral service of delegations with all the needed infrastructure for the management and control of the media, both technical and human. Also provides technical and human media (editors, camera operators, non-linear editions...) in any province in the national territory. Among its clients there are included television producers as Magnolia (“Super Nanny”, “El método Gonzo”, “Mujeres y Hombres” and “Madres Adolescentes”. ), Cuarzo TV (“El Programa de Ana Rosa”) , Plural (“Tal cual lo contamos”, para las tardes de Antena 3), Mediapro (“El método por dos”, in Antena 3) and informative coverages for Korpa and Uvesat.